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지난 주(240428)에 진행된 HashiCorp Terraform Assoicate(HCTAO-003) 스터디 1주차 내용을 전달드리도록하겠습니다.
해당 주차에 진행된 학습 목표는 아래와 같습니다
학습 목표:
- Intro
- Netflix:
- Job Description
- About the Role
- Our Opportunity
- Your Experience
- Apple:
- Netflix:
- Challenge that Terraform Solves
- Overview of Terraform Certifiaction
- HashiCorp Infrastructure Automation Certification
- Main page
- Study guide
- Exam review
- What is Terraform?
- What is Infrastucutre as Code with Terraform
- Sample questions
- True or False
- Multiple Choice
- Multiple Answer
- Text Match
아래는 스터디에 사용한 노션을 편집한 내용입니다.
테라폼 자격증을 공부하시는 분들에게 도움이 되었으면 좋을 것 같습니다 🤗
Senior Devops Engineer, Production Infrastructure Engineering Job - Netflix - Remote/Virtual (EXPIRED) | ShowbizJobs.com
The Production Infrastructure Engineering team is responsible for building the infrastructure platform that enables artist collaboration on a global scale
Job Description
- Netflix is the largest production studio in the world.
- The Production Infrastructure Engineering team is responsible for building the infrastructure platform that enables artist collaboration on a global scale.
- We work closely with peer engineering teams in Digital Production and Animation Technologies, Platform Engineering, and other central engineering teams at Netflix.
- Do you have a passion for solving customer needs with technology and making their experience the best it can be?
- Would you enjoy being an early hire in a highly visible space with the opportunity to build a team and shape our products?
- Are you interested in defining and building the technical future of the studio production platform?
- We are highly collaborative and focused on building scalable and foundational services for other engineering teams.
- Much of the content created today happens at the intersection of technology and art, and our platform is what powers the creative applications and tools artists use to make Netflix content across the globe.
- Our team provides the services such as workstations and rendering, as well as systems and software foundations that power a global footprint of collaborative artist work environments both in the cloud and near premises.
- We are seeking a Senior DevOps Engineer with extensive Windows domain experience to join our Production Infrastructure Engineering team.
About the Role:
We are looking for a Senior DevOps Engineer who is excited by working with partner teams to build custom solutions to satisfy a wide range of artist needs.
Our Opportunity
- Be part of a team that's building a service that instantiates and orchestrates a variety of workstation instances across a heterogeneous infrastructure.
- Operate and support the virtual workstations that power the NetFX Platform.
- Partner to identify needs, understand security requirements, and improve the artist's experience.
- Work cross-functionally with Engineering teams to manage systems and services that provide reliable and scalable solutions supporting the artist experience.
- Join an environment where different backgrounds, cultures, industry and life experiences are embraced and valued.
Your Experience
- You have contributed to ''always-on'' servers, services, agents, or APIs using tools and languages like PowerShell, Chocolatey, Java, Go, Python, JavaScript (NodeJS), C++ or Ruby. We only use some of these, but experience in any one of them is enough.
- You have technical curiosity and are ready to help across the team and learn new skills.
- You have a strong bias for automation and taking the time to think about the right way to solve a problem versus quick fixes or band-aids.
- Knowledge of cloud compute and storage, including public cloud vendors (AWS, GCP, or Azure).
- Experience using build and deployment tools such as Jenkins, Docker, and Terraform.
- Experience with operational tools like AWS CloudWatch, Splunk, and SaltStack.
- Experience working in Linux and Windows environments.
For more information on what it's like to work at Netflix, please take a look at our culture memo!
Challenge that Terraform Solves:
- Terraform allows us to create reusable code that can deploy identical set of infrastructure in as repeatable fashion.
- Once you learn terraform Core concepts, you can write code to create and manage infrastructure across all the providers.
Overview of Terraform Certification:
- Terraform has become of the most popular and widely used tools to create and manage infrastructure and one of the defacto IaC tools for DevOps.
- HashiCorp has released the official Terraform certification to certify students related to core Terraform concepts and skills.
HashiCorp Infrastructure Automation Certification
Main page:
HashiCorp Cloud Engineer Certification - Terraform Associate 003
Cloud engineers will be able to use either version of the Terraform Associate certification to verify their basic infrastructure automation skills.
Study guide:
Study guide - Terraform Associate certification | Terraform | HashiCorp Developer
Review all of the objectives tested on the Terraform Associate certification exam.
Exam review:
Exam review - Terraform Associate certification | Terraform | HashiCorp Developer
Review the Terraform Associate certification objectives and related study materials.
What is Terraform?
What is Terraform | Terraform | HashiCorp Developer
Terraform is an infrastructure as code tool that lets you build, change, and version cloud and on-prem resources safely and efficiently.
What is Infrastructure as Code with Terraform?
What is Infrastructure as Code with Terraform? | Terraform | HashiCorp Developer
Learn how infrastructure as code lets you safely build, change, and manage infrastructure. Try Terraform.
- Terraform can manage infrastructure on multiple cloud platforms.
- The human-readable configuration language helps you write infrastructure code quickly.
- Terraform's state allows you to track resource changes throughout your deployments.
- You can commit your configurations to version control to safely collaborate on infrastructure.
To deploy infrastructure with Terraform:
- Scope - Identify the infrastructure for your project.
- Author - Write the configuration for your infrastructure.
- Initialize - Install the plugins Terraform needs to manage the infrastructure.
- Plan - Preview the changes Terraform will make to match your configuration.
- Apply - Make the planned changes.
Sample questions:
Sample questions - Terraform Associate certification | Terraform | HashiCorp Developer
Review the types of questions to expect on the Terraform Associate certification exam.
- True or False
- Multiple Choice
- Multiple Answer
- Text Match
True or False:
Usernames and passwords referenced in the Terraform code, even as variables, will end up in plain text in the state file.
- Answer
- True
Multiple Choice:
Consider the following configuration snippet:
variable "vpc_cidrs" {
type = map
default = {
us-east-1 = ""
us-east-2 = ""
us-west-1 = ""
us-west-2 = ""
resource "aws_vpc" "shared" {
cidr_block = _____________
How would you define the cidr_block for us-east-1 in the aws_vpc resource using a variable?
A. var.vpc_cidrs["us-east-1"]
B. var.vpc_cidrs.0
C. vpc_cidrs["us-east-1"]
D. var.vpc_cidrs[0]
- Answer
- A
You have defined the values for your variables in the file terraform.tfvars, and saved it in the same directory as your Terraform configuration. Which of the following commands will use those values when creating an execution plan?
A. terraform plan
B. terraform plan -var-file=terraform.tfvars
C. All of the above
D. None of the above
- Answer
- C
Multiple Answer:
Which of the following Terraform commands will automatically refresh the state unless supplied with additional flags or arguments? Choose TWO correct answers.
⬜ terraform plan
⬜ terraform state
⬜ terraform apply
⬜ terraform validate
⬜ terraform output
- Answer
- A, C
What happens when you apply Terraform configuration? Choose TWO correct answers.
⬜ Terraform makes any infrastructure changes defined in your configuration.
⬜ Terraform gets the plugins that the configuration requires.
⬜ Terraform updates the state file with any configuration changes it made.
⬜ Terraform corrects formatting errors in your configuration.
⬜ Terraform destroys and recreates all your infrastructure from scratch.
- Answer
- A, C
Text Match:
Which flag is used to find more information about a Terraform command? For example, you need additional information about how to use the plan command. You would type: terraform plan _____. Type your answer in the field provided. The text field is not case-sensitive and all variations of the correct answer are accepted.
- Answer
- terraform plan -h / -help / --help -h -help --help
Terraform Associate 자격증을 준비하는 분들에게 도움이 되셨으면 좋을 것 같습니다!
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