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이번 주는 스터디원 분과 함께 발표를 진행하는 주차입니다 🥸
오늘은 가짜연구소 스터디 9주차 학습 내용을 안내해드리도록 하겠습니다.

프로그램: Data Scientist - Python - 황지*님/이다*님
9주차 학습 주제: Python Data Science Toolbox (Part 1)
9주차 학습 material URL: https://www.datacamp.com/courses/python-data-science-toolbox-part-1
Course Description
- It's time to push forward and develop your Python chops even further.
- There are tons of fantastic functions in Python and its library ecosystem.
- However, as a data scientist, you'll constantly need to write your own functions to solve problems that are dictated by your data.
- You will learn the art of function writing in this first Python Data Science Toolbox course.
- You'll come out of this course being able to write your very own custom functions, complete with multiple parameters and multiple return values, along with default arguments and variable-length arguments.
- You'll gain insight into scoping in Python and be able to write lambda functions and handle errors in your function writing practice.
- And you'll wrap up each chapter by using your new skills to write functions that analyze Twitter DataFrames.
- Writing your own functions
- Default arguments, varialbe-length arguments and scope
- Lambda functions and error-handling
GitHub - sainthm/pseudo_lab
Contribute to sainthm/pseudo_lab development by creating an account on GitHub.

긴 글 읽어주셔서 감사합니다 😍
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